Ignite is a gathering for all ages and backgrounds. We usually have a time of singing in which a band leads us, a time of reflection and prayer and a talk on a passage in the Bible.
We come together to learn more about ourselves and each other and about God. If you’re coming for the first time don’t feel shy – we usually have people on the door to welcome you and they will be happy to show you around. We don’t usually start that promptly so feel free to join us for a cup of coffee before. The service normally lasts for about an hour or so but you are welcome to come and go throughout and we have coffee after too so feel free to stay around.
When is it on?
Ignite takes place on Sundays in Urban Junction at 11am.
We have a bring and share lunch together on the first Sunday of the month and the last Sunday of the month we split into 4 ‘mini churches’ between Blackrock x2 (1 in UJ), Delgany and Newtownmountkennedy.
Please visit our ignite website for more details and ignite network on facebook for more up to date info!